A Spectrum of Symptoms

The symptoms of ASD or Autistic Spectrum Disorder will typically begin to show by age 2 or 3. Symptoms may include the inability to perceive sights and sounds adequately, resistance to change in daily routines, poor motor skills, repetitive behaviors or movements, hyper-focus on one particular subject and loud outbursts.
How Can Neurofeedback Help Autism?
Neurofeedback uses specialized biofeedback technology to establish healthier brainwave patterns in individulas. With ASD, a common finding is abnormal brainwave patterns. Studies show that neurofeedback helps to stabilize and improve brainwave function. By facilitating improvement in areas of abnormal connectivity and by improving brainwave function; outcomes are optimized.
“I like BrainCore because it helps me at home, and it helps me do things I couldn’t do before”
— Charles
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